Single Parents

Keeping your pet or finding them a new home....

So I know a lot of people get weird and judgey when they hear about people having babies then getting rid of their pet.

I have a 4 year old boxer who I really do love. He's a good dog for the most part and is great with my son. I have baby #2 due in June and my children's father is gone now. I barely have time for my dog right now......I have no idea how I could possibly have an 18 month old, a newborn AND take care of my dog. We live on the 3rd floor of an apartment building so even taking him outside to go potty is quite a task.

The problem is that I know I should find him a new loving home but I can't bring myself to do it.  I just feel like it would be wrong. I always viewed pets as family and a forever thing.

If you kept your pet how did you make it work as a single parent? Or if you gave the pet to someone, what was the deciding factor that made you do it?

I am so torn on this.

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