Upstate NY Babies

Those of you that eat "natural" peanut butter

What brand do you buy?

When I met DH, it was all he ate (wegmans brand) and the stuff made me gag. First, I like crunchy PB (he likes creamy), and I like it b/c it has a saltier taste to me than creamy does. Natural PB does not have any saltiness to me even though it says they put salt in it so I've never found one I like. I was at Target a few wks ago and they had Skippy Natural crunchy PB on clearance so I bought it. I opened it today thinking I'd hate it and it was actually pretty good-it had that salty taste to me so I think I can tolerate it. It just never dawned on me that different brands would taste so different! I swear you could probably put different brands of PB in front of me and I don't think I could tell the difference! Just curious what others eat and if you have any others I might enjoy!
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