Upstate NY Babies

Talk about Buyers Remorse (looong)

I posted last month about how SIL thought DH and I were talking about her (and absolutely weren't) so she "told us off" at Disney. Well we resolved it and everything was fine. The Disney thing was only 2 weeks after she flipped out on DH for scolding her son for hitting Justin with a plastic hammer.

They didn't show up to Thanksgiving. They were supposed to come late for dessert because they had other stops- no biggie. When they called and said they couldn't come b/c the kids were nightmares, I bit my tongue and closed my big mouth b/c of the Disney "mishap". Well tonight she texts me, "Wow. Heard u had a lot to say about us at Thanksgiving- thought you would understand if anyone would." ... I was cooking/cleaning for 35 people and taking care of 3 kids SIL, I didn't have time to talk about you! wtf.There was probably steam coming off of my head.

She's gotten super confrontational and defensive lately and it's making me not want to be around her. I did the grown up thing and told her it hurts my feelings and makes me mad that she doesn't trust me, so she's says "I do trust you. I shouldn't listen to rumors. We're fine, let's drop it". I'm not fine. I'm sick of being "told off".

Anywho- we have this big all inclusive trip with them in March to Playa Del Carmen. I'm not really in the mood to drink margaritas on the beach with someone who's always jumping down my throat. Things are so tense. We've plunked down a lot of money and even paid 2 of our cousin's ways to come with us to nanny. I sooooooo want to cancel. I just want to pick up DH and the kiddos and move to an island somewhere... just the 5 of us- no drama.

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