Babies: 0 - 3 Months

How much does your 2 month old eat?

I returned to work this week and, up until this point, had been EBF. We are still trying to get accustomed to bottle feeding (both for DS and for us). 

It might be a silly question, but how do you know how much to feed LO? I've read that babies that are new to the bottle often don't register being full at the end of a feeding, because the milk comes faster from the bottle than the breast. How do you know how much to give? Just watching for hunger cues, I guess? We don't want to overfeed LO but I also don't want him to be hungry. DH said that today DS ate 2 oz every 2 hours. I was wondering if this was too little? He seems to want to nurse all evening long when I come home, but I know this could also be more for comfort than hunger.

How much and how often does your 2 month old eat?

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