Babies: 0 - 3 Months

XP: Freeze oldest milk and give freshest to LO first? Or vice versa?

I have 3-4 feedings worth of pumped milk in the fridge, the oldest being from 4 days ago and the rest from each day after that.  I'm confused about how to cycle through the milk and which milk to give LO now (we want to start 1 bottle feeding a day with DH since LO is now 5 weeks old and I am going back to work at 10 weeks), whether I should start with the oldest milk or put that in the freezer and give him the fresher milk?   I am getting about 4-5 oz each time I pump so I am thinking that I can freeze 3 oz for my stash and keep 3 oz fresh for the next feeding...does that make sense?
~~1st time Mom and Dad of a beautiful baby boy, and loving life!~~

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