Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Feeling guilty...

It was my plan all along to breast feed but when DD wasn't latching on I was told keep trying she is tiny and may not get it right away. I continued to try nursing but it seems to frustrate her more than anything, she just wasn't interested. I tried nipple shields with little success other than a few minutes of sucking here or there before she was frustrated and wanted nothing to do with it. So I thought well I'll just pump and bottle feed at least she is getting breast milk. We had to supplement with formula to begin with because she wasn't gaining weight and had lost the max the Dr wanted her to lose. I was quickly realizing that I could not pump more than 2 oz in a sitting. I tried the herb Fenugreek and still no increase in milk. My LO is a month old already and I'm throwing in the towel on breast milk all together. I'm feeling really guilty that I'm not producing enough milk for her but taking  30-45 min sitting in the bedroom pumping only to get half of what she eats in 1 feeding plus the fact that while I'm pumping I cant hold her without the suction breaking or what little milk i do produce spilling, the juice isn't worth the squeeze...literally! lol I know plenty of people EFF I guess I'm just feeling like I'm letting her down in some way...Anyone else feeling this way? Thanks for listening :)
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