Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Fussy baby or am I nuts?

So my 2 1/2 month old son seems to cry ALOT when he is home with me, but when he is at daycare he doesn't. I can't seem to wrap my mind around this.

 I put him in the baby jungle gym and 30 mins later he fusses an proceeds to cry. His diaper is clean and he is hours away from a feeding. Some times when I pick him up, he is happy as a clam but then some times he still cries. No burps either. He does have acid reflux, but he is on medicine and hypo allergic formula. I have extreme patience when it comes to his crying fits, but some times I just feel like my best isnt good enough for him.

It just kills me inside knowing that he is happier at daycare then at home with me. I have a couple of weeks left of maturity leave and decided to work from home, but I cant with him here so I had to put him into daycare. 


Am I doing something wrong? Please tell me that I'm not the only one this happens to.


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