Babies: 0 - 3 Months

People just dont understand. Vent.

I just need to vent about this. I have. Friend of 11 years who actually is my ex, but we're friends now. He messages me tonight on Facebook and told me that I sound like I don't want my dd and sound as though I regret her when I post in Facebook that I'm tired or hungry. I've been dealing with people making remarks for 3 months such as "my lo wasn't this way, I could do this and that and she'd sleep right through it. " or " what's wrong with her?" in a smug tone that makes me feel like they're insulting her so needless to say, I kind of went off. 


I told him that I'm so tired of people not knowing the situation and yet judging me. That no one wants to help but everyone wants to tell me judgmental things. People around me have no idea what it's like to watch your dd choke and gag in pain through every feeding and not be able to sleep ever because of the spitting up. Or to have a baby hat has to bbe held at all times or she's inconsolable. To not be able to see her smile because shes always trying to suffer through the pain. To hear the peri say they can't help her anymore and she has to start seeing a specialist that's 2 hours away.

So basically I told him that yea, I'm mad. But no at my baby. I mad that she's going through this and I'm mad that I'm dealing with it alone. I'm mad that I'm the only one who's hungry and tired or the only one at the pedi everyday because dh is always working or sleeping. That doesn't make me a bad mother and that doesn't mean I regret her. It means I love her and want her to get better.  Am I wrong? Is it wrong of me to sometimes be overly exhausted and wish more than anything that dd and I could get some rest or that I could eat or pee once in a while?

Im jug so tired of the judgment.

Im bumping from my iPhone so please excuse the errors.  

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