Single Parents

Getting Scared... Kinda Long

If anyone has read some of my earlier post, they would know a little about what's been going on.  But, for the others that don't...  Here you go, I'm 20 weeks pregnant and soon to be a single mother.  I didn't find out I was pregnant until 12 weeks and have been scared for millions of reasons.  Now, my fears are becoming difficult to handle.  Back in September, I left my abusive ex for fear he would do something horrible, leaving most of my belongs behind, and retreated to the only place I had.  My parents, only my mom welcomed me back, my step-dad wished I'd stayed away forever.  Since returning home and finding out a month later I was pregnant, the freaking out started.  I've been looking for a job since I moved back and with no such luck, I'm really starting to worry.  How am I going to get all the things a baby needs before my little one arrives??  I'm not asking the father for anything, I've actually told him it wasn't his to keep him for tracking me down (I'm really scared of what he might do to me or my child).  So, I'm at a loss of how I'm going to make this work.  I want my baby (I was told I would never be able to have kids) and would do just about anything to support them but with no money, no job, no car and support from only my mom's side of the family, it's really starting to affect little things.  I know I'm going to get help for my family with some of the little things but the larger things like furniture and the more expensive things are going to be hard to come by.  My family wants to help support me until I can get back on my feet and have even told me that they would give me a place to stay so I can go back to school and help make something of myself.  I just don't want them to think I'm mooching off of them.  I guess I'm just worrying too much about everything but I can't make it stop. I apologize tremendously for the rant/vent.  If anyone knows different organizations that help single mothers, please let me know....   image
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