Babies: 0 - 3 Months

am I overreacting?

Are there any tell tail signs that LO is getting a cold/flu?

My DS has been really warm all day. Ive taken his temp....(not rectally which I know is more acurrate) His temp has been normal all day...but he has seemed really hot!! My LO does seem to run on the warmer side normally but he just seems off. Alittle more fussy maybe.... Hes been eating normally if anything maybe alittle more.He has spit up alittle more than normal but nothing that has really set me off. He hasnt been sleeping anymore than usual if anything maybe a little less....

I dont mean to sound crazy I just dont want my LO to suffer if he is sick and Im not picking up on it. 

Should I just keep and eye on him? 

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