Upstate NY Babies

My strings are missing

Went to the GYN for my yearly today, he couldn't feel my Mirena strings!  I have always had a hard time finding them so I never check any more.  It's been in for 2 yrs and it was there last year.  So I have to go in for an U/S next Monday.  He said it has got to still be there because I haven't been getting periods, haven't had one since before I got pg with Bri.  He did say that he deals with so many IUDs and had never had one actually go missing, until last week Indifferent  On the rare occasion that the strings go missing, the IUD is always found on the U/S to be right where it should be.  But last week he had to send a girl for an X-ray and sure enough it was lost in her abdomen.  He is actually scheduled to recover it this afternoon.  He said not only had he never seen one get lost, but neither had the x-ray tech.
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