Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Transition from swing to crib - WWYD?

I really didn't want to use the swing for sleeping, but it has been the only way DS will take decent naps.  I finally caved at 6 weeks.  I have to completely darken his room and put the swing on the highest setting and he will pass out for a good 2 hours max.

But what sucks is that when we have to spend the day away from home (like we did for Thanksgiving) and he doesn't have his swing to nap in.  The only way I could get him to nap is little 20-30min cat naps in my arms.  He was a hot mess by the end of the day.

We are going out of town for Christmas for about five days and I'm worried about the nap situation.  The swing is very big so transporting it would be a total PITA.  I have a small travel swing but it only does the front to back motion and DS likes the side to side motion.

WWYD in this situation?  Would you try to wean him from the swing and get him to nap in the crib?  And does anyone have any tips on how to transition to the crib for naps?  (Note: DS already sleeps in his crib at night.  It's just the naps that are an issue.)

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