Single Parents

just lost

Hi, I guess I'm just looking for encouragement and maybe some words of wisdom, my husband and I have just separated and I'm on my own for the first time in my life. We have a wonderful 17 month old son who is both of our worlds. We're trying to be civil and friends even, so far things have been going fairly well. I just worry that he's going to make life miserable, he'll say he wont but then the next day he changes his mind and tries to destroy everything. I really wanted to wait till after Christmas but he refused. I hate having to tell our families whats going on, I don't even know how to do Christmas. Should we try to do each other families just so our son can have us together? As of right now we're planning on still getting a tree together and putting it up together. I don't love him anymore but I do want us to be friends, is this possible? I feel horrible, I'm almost to the point where if he wants to be together then we just should cuz his happiness is more important, but I just can't stand to be with him. Sigh..Just lost and confused I suppose.
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