Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Reflux, dairy intolerance or overactive let do you know??

My LO is almost 4 weeks and is EBF. He is doing very well and gaining lots of weight. But for the last 5 days or so he seems to be in pain when eating and after eating.

He squirms, grunts, arches his neck and back, cries when getting burped. He does not spit up very often though. His pain seems to be worst during his morning feedings. He also takes a very long time to burp. He will cry out in his sleep and grunt and then fall back asleep.

He also farts ALOT while feeding but it does not smell bad and his poop has never been green.

I have have given up dairy now for 2 days and try to feed him reclined (in case of the letdown)

I do give him some oval drops every now and then.....any other advice??

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