Single Parents

Child Support/Birth Certificate Advice


So I have always been a Single Parent Board lurker.... this is the first time I am posting so I suppose I'll introduce myself. My pregnancy was a surprise (seems to be pretty common!) with a boyfriend I was with for only 6 or 7 months. I really thought that we were going to stay together but unfortunately some things just don't work out. He is very irresponsible and immature, he doesn't help with any of the bills, and he expects me to take care of him all the time. I am now 23 weeks and I guess my biggest concern is whether or not to put him on the birth certificate. I know the laws vary from state to state. I am in Arizona and I'm just wondering if anyone knows where I can get more information about whether or not to include him as the father on the birth certificate. I want to be able to get child support from him but I also worry that he won't be in my daughter's life very much and am unsure of whether or not she should carry her last name. Any advice would help! I am so scared and so unsure of my future with my baby. Hopefully this board will help provide some support and advice. :) TIA

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