Upstate NY Babies

MWhine Monday...

Does that work?  haha!


I need to just get this out.  DH worked all four days that we were off.  We kind of knew it was coming, but yesterday was INSANE.  Thursday was 4 hours, Friday was 6 hours, Saturday another 6 hours, and then yesterday was the kicker.  He left for work at 7:45am and didn't get home until 1:15AM!  That's right....17 1/2 hours.  (Did I do that right?)  THEN he had to be back in this morning by 7am.  He's trying to be chipper but I can tell he is extremely stressed.  His company is doing this huge software upgrade, and decided back in August it would be a good idea to lay off more than half of his department.  So 6 people are doing the job of about 20.  And his boss knows nothing about the software, so everything question/issue is getting directed to DH.

This baby is coming a week from today, and I'm trying to get ready, but I'm exhausted.  L is a hurricane, and nothing seems clean enough!  haha!  DH put his foot down last week and said that after this upcoming Friday he is done.  For a week.  He will not be answering any work calls or opening his laptop.  He missed a lot of L's first few weeks of life because he had just started with this company.  He said there is no way that is going to happen again. 

ok vent over.  I feel better.

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