Single Parents

Court hearing tomorrow

My DS's father and I have a court hearing tomorrow morning and I am feeling uneasy. We had mediation almost two weeks ago and have a temporary visitation order. He gets to have visitstion every Tuesday and Thursday evening for two hours and Saturday and Sunday mornings for two hours. Right now the visitations are supervised and I have also been attending. Starting Tuesday I won't be allowed to attend anymore and it is killing me. The hearing tomorrow will decide if my ex still needs supervised visits ( my ex's mom is supervising) and to see if he will be granted more visitation. I am breastfeeding and will have to supply breast milk for the visits. I just wonder what the chances are of the visitation increasing or not being supervised. I've given my attorney copies of his harassing emails and threats to my family and friends. I've also given her a copy of an email where he admitted to injuring me. Every time I think about my 6 week old baby with him and away from me I almost break down. I am also returning back to work this week and I am dreading that as well. I have so many friends, including my sister, who are married and are stay at home mom's and I can't help but feel jealous. I could care less about being in a relationship, but I constantly think about being away from my DS while I'm at work and then being away from him while he is visiting the ex and it makes me incredibly sad. I know I have to work to provide for him and I know the ex is going to get visitation so I need to put my big girl pants on and face what is's just so hard. I really hope the visitations will still be supervised and I hope he doesn't get more time with him. The visitations thus far have not been great and I am really worried.
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