Babies: 0 - 3 Months

My baby's first diaper rash

I noticed Friday that my son's rear end was a little red.  He also screamed when I went to clean him with diaper wipes.  Today it is really red and is very chapped.  I have been putting vaseline and desitin on him, but it seems like the red is getting worse.  He is almost three weeks old and I saw on the internet that if your baby has a diaper rash before six weeks that you should call your physician.  His formula got changed and I have been using pampers, but I ran out.  So I used huggies that my friend got me.  I didn't start noticing the red until I was using the huggies.  So I think he may be allergic to the huggies, so I switched back to the pampers.  It breaks my heart to change his diaper everytime I have to change his diaper.  I have tried to keep it dry down in that area, but it has been tough because it is like I am constant watch to make sure he doesn't have dirty diapers and I don't want his rash to get worse.  I am not sure what else to do.  I just dread changing my son's diaper because he cries and screams so much and it bothers me when he cries.  I am sure it is because I am going through baby blues right now.  Does anyone have any suggestions for me?  Is anyone going through this right now? 
Daisypath Anniversary tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Clip Art Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." Psalm 34:18
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