Single Parents

help me stay calm

I just got out of the hospital (there for the last 9 days) because of mild preeclampsia that pushed itself into severe pre-e. Thank god they were able to stabilize me and I didn't deliver, which is a blessing since I was only 30 weeks. I am 31 now, and there is a great chance I won't deliver until I am 35 weeks. That is all awesome news.

 My XH however didn't care in for a second. Not that I was in the hospital, not that his kid was in distress, nothing. In nine days he sent me a text once. Now I am on strict bed rest for the duration of my pregnancy. I can't grocery shop, do laundry or really do anything. My folks live in a different state, and are here now, but have to go home soon. I have great friends, and will get some help, but god help me I want to run XH over with the car. 

How do I get past the anger? My divorce was final on 11/4/11 and he started his "new adult life" this past June, when I was 10 weeks along. How do I get past the hurt, anger and hate? It raises my blood pressure, and I care more about this kid than anything else. I just get so angry. I am mostly venting. Most of the time I can pretend all is good, but this stay, and the lack of caring, was just so hurtful.

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