Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Newbie baby burping question

When you go to burp your baby, how long does it usually take you to get a burp out? Sometimes the little guy gets fussy and I *know* there's something in there, but several minutes later we still haven't worked it out. And other times I'll burp him and nothing comes out, but he's sleepy and not fussy so I don't really worry about it. Or other times we can't seem to get it out and much later he'll be passing gas like a maniac, so I guess it eventually works out the other end? I guess that's not a specific question but...I keep being unsure I'm doing it right.

If you can hear occasional gurgles in his tummy during/after eating, does that mean he has gas even if he's acting like nothing's bothering him?

He's BF btw.

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