Upstate NY Babies

A family WWYD

I have probably mentioned in the past that I do not like my sister's DH.  After yesterday, I decided I hate my sister's DH.  He can't hold a job and blows all their money on pot and cigarettes leaving my sister to work, care for their twins, and try to run her household on food stamps and WIC.  I think he did finally get a driver's license last spring at 29.  He was over yesterday for T-day, and began to proclaim that he will be telling his boys, now 11months old, that there is no Santa at a very young age.  He did this very loudly in front of my kids, we all spoke up and cut him off before he finished.  It was pretty obvious though that he knew what he was saying in front of my kids.  So then he walks into the kitchen where I am and starts telling me that they didn't believe in Santa in his house as a kid and how proud he is of that.  I told him to Shush it because my kids have unusually acute hearing (they do) and once you say something in front of Tyler there is no taking it back.  So he walks away back into the other room, my house is very open, and starts telling everyone how he has a can of coal set aside to put under the tree for his boys when they are about five yrs old and how hilarious it will be to see tham wake up to a tin of coal on Christmas!  No one knew what to say, I looked at my sister and just said that is not funny, not funny at all, it is cruel!  She just goes, maybe not 5, maybe a little older then.  Fortunately, he then laid down on my couch and took a nap for the rest of the time.  But I could tell he wanted to tell my kids there is no Santa.  I am pretty livid about it, and so sad for my nephews.

I really want to confront my sister about how it will make her boys feel.  Remind her that this is not how she grew up, and ask if that is really the childhood she wants for her boys.  And if so, I may have to choose not to let my kids around their cousins around Christmas, I don't want their magic shattered because my sister married an A-hole.  Me and my sisters are not very close, never have been, even as little kids we always kind of kept to ourselves.  Should I just let it go?  Let her raise her family how she wants, I wouldn't want anyone telling me how to raise my kids.  But then I feel like I just can't stand by and let this jerk crush the spirit and confidence of my little nephews, and possibly my own kids.

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