Upstate NY Babies

Bed Transition-WWYD?

DD climbed/fell out of her crib for the first time last Thurs. We went out and ordered her new mattresses, which arrived yesterday. The problem? We ordered bed rails and they wont arrive until late next week. I was hoping to transition her this weekend since its a long weekend and I'm not sure how things will go. But I'm afraid of putting her in a full size bed without rails to keep her in. I thought of putting the mattresses on the floor for now and then next week when the rails come, convert the crib. I think DH wants to try to keep her in the crib another week and do it all at once, but then the mattresses will be sitting in our hallway for the next week too. I wish there was a way to put the bed together completely and have her in it now with some sort of temporary rail, but I don't know what to do. WWYD?
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