Single Parents

First T-giving w/ SO.

SO and his mom and sisters would like me to come to lunch with their family. I want to go but 1) I am worried about DD. She has entered the terrible twos and I will feel so embarrassed if she's misbehaving and throwing fits at SO's grandparents house. Especially when it's the first time I meet them. Plus I already have that single parent guilt going on, like they won't like me because I am a SP. 2) I have a few family members coming into town today that I want to spend time with. SO, DD and I would be gone for at least 5 hours tomorrow since it takes like an hour to get to SO's grandparents house.

I am thinking about not going this year. EX will have DD next Thanksgiving, so I could go next year. I just can't decide! Tongue Tied

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