Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Will my 12-week old ever sleep well at night??

Feeling a bit frustrated...seems like so many other people have LO's that sleep so much better than my 12-week old...We are up 2-3 times per night for feedings.  She eats until she falls asleep, I do tickle her cheek or wipe her mouth that stimulates her to eat a bit more.  She has ~4 or so ounces per feeding during the night...She goes down between 7-8pm and I do a sleep feeding at 10pm...she is then up at least two or three times before we get up ~6am for work/day care...Maybe she is on track and others have babies that are more advanced in their is just hard to be on such little sleep and see so many posts about how well others LO's are sleeping...I feel like I am doing something wrong...Her room is dark and warm, we run a humidifier (which is quite loud), she is swaddled...what am I doing wrong that we don't seem to be making progress?
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