Single Parents

did you ever think about going back because its easier?

i foundout last night that the father to my baby has been lying to me the entire time we were together.  i meet him on a dating website and we had a lot of fun together at first.  i got pregnant really quickly but thinks seemed okay, he already has two girls from a past relationship and is a great dad.  i would even babysit for the girls while they went to discuss visitation plans and all that.

 i lived at home but once i told my mom she said so many horrible and mean things and pretty much implied she wanted me gone.  so i moved in with my bf.  he didnt want to tell anyone else until we were past the first trimester, then he was insistant on telling his ex himself.  yesterday she texted me asking if i wanted to take the girls shopping for a christmas gift for their dad.  my bf freaked out and said i could no longer have any contact with them or he would leave me.  he said he wanted his families to be completely seperate or it would be confusing for the girls.  i asked on the blended families board and they told me something wasnt right.


well, they were right.  i called his ex and said "i would love to go shopping with you and the girls for kyle, and maybe i could get him something from the baby we are expecting"  she was really quiet but then told me he has told her im in cousin that didnt have anywhere to live and he had been trying to get back together with her and sleeping with her the entire time.


i tried to call and text him but no answers.  i packed up my stuff and left last night and slept, or pretty much sat here, all night in my car in a walmart parking lot.  he hasnt called or texted once.  the idea of being a single parent is so scary to me.  is there a chance of working this out?  i have no place to go or any help. 

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