Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Food restrictions pity party!

I'm EBF and I've been off dairy for almost two months now due to DD's reflex...tried going back on it a couple of weeks ago and it did *not* go well.  Her fussiness shot through the roof, green poops...backed off of the dairy, and also decided to try cutting out wheat to see if it made a difference.  Well, it did...DD is practically a new baby!  She's been napping like a champ (knock on wood) for about a week and she's seriously a different baby during the evening.

 But...with the holidays, I'm so bummed out about the food restrictions!  I'll have to miss out on all my favorites at mashed potatoes, no pumpkin pie, no stuffing.  Same for Christmas.  My younger brother is graduating college and we're going out for all sorts of delicious family dinners, and I'll be stuck with a salad.

I know it's for the best for LO, and having a happy baby is a wonderful reward, but I'm tired of pretending it doesn't suck!

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