Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Oh no- bottle feed fail. Help.

So following up to my post of having not given my LO a bottle yet- I pumped this morning and had my dh try giving her a bottle. My pump sucks and I only let down about two ounces total. I used a breastflow bottle. The minute he sat down with her she started to cry- another issue we have. She is not fond of DH and always cries when he holds her... I think because he alway comes home in a bad mood and talks loudly etc. Anyway he put the bottle in her mouth and she started to scream. He wasn't doing anything to soothe her and she kept crying and I got super frazzled so I took the baby away. I put her in the RNP and tried the bottle myself. She basically just played with the nipple and didn't latch on and acted like she totally didn't know what to do then started to cry. Then my sister showed up and she gave it a try and dd started to scream again. She ended up half gulping maybe an ounce and the rest went all over her shirt. When I say gulping I mean mostly air because she wasnt really latched. So ya.... Total fail. Please help me!
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