Babies: 0 - 3 Months

C-section and nursing

Hi ladies!  I'm just home from the hospital - 18 hours of labor, followed by a c-section which produced a gorgeous, perfect 10 lb, 12 oz baby boy.  We're in love!  Anyway - I was able to nurse in the recovery room only because my doula was basically in bed with me, squeezing the colostrum from my breast directly into my baby's mouth.  But after that, I just couldn't nurse...I had so much pain after the surgery because the catheter had been in wrong the whole time (of course I couldn't feel the urine backing up because of the epi) so I wasn't draining urine (I even heard the doctors talking about how full and distended my bladder was during the surgery, which made it harder to get the little guy out).  I just couldn't move, I was in agony, I was emotional, and I didn't want to have to deal with the pressure of having to nurse when hearing my hungry baby was breaking my heart and every time I cried, the incision hurt like nothing I have ever felt before or want to feel I agreed to give him formula.  Since then, I have had him latch a few times successfully and my milk has come in full force, but I'm having a hard time in general - both because of the pain of the surgery and because he's having trouble latching.  
Are other c-section moms able to nurse successfully?  And if so, how did you do it?  I know people are adamant about the no formula/nipple confusion/etc etc mantra, and before I had the baby, I thought I'd feel adamant about it too - but as it turns out, *** happens and I'm not going to beat myself up over it.  I do however want to course correct now so any advice, words of encouragement, personal experiences, etc. would be greatly appreciated.
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