Babies: 0 - 3 Months

BF'ing Question Re: Sides

Do you have to feed off both breasts each feeding? Up until a couple days ago LO would feed on one side for 10-15 min and pull himself off we would do a little burping and switch sides for another 10-15. Now all of a sudden he's not pulling off and instead feeding consistently 20 minutes on one side then wants nothing to do with the other, understandably I'm sure he's full. So yeaterday a when I was pretty full I pumped the other side for 15min (got 1 1/2 oz). DH & I were discussing this change and he said just pull him off at the 15 min mark & I tried that and he still wanted nothing to do with the other side so here we are with a super short feeding. Long story it ok to do one breast at a feeding and let LO lead the time? Lots of thanks from an anxious FTM.
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