Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Stressed about first work project

I'm a freelance writer/editor and am about to take on my first project since having the baby. To make matters worse, it has turned into a rush project that I will need to turn around in about a day! I think my husband's grandmother can watch the baby for a few hours tomorrow morning, but I'm still worried I won't get it done before Thanksgiving or won't be able to do a good job with it.

At the moment, the baby still has her fussy periods at night. It has also been harder to get her to nap during the day. Often I need to take long walks, etc., to get her to doze off for what might only end up being 30 minutes. It is all so unpredictable.

DH just doesn't get it. He still wants me to cook dinner tonight, for example. Well... I'll do that, but then he can take care of the baby for a few hours by himself if I need to work on the project. 

He recently went away on a business trip for four days, leaving me alone with LO for three nights, and I don't think he realizes how stressful that was for me. He does help out with the baby, especially on the weekends, but then his mother and grandmother are around helping out. Like I said, I don't really think he understands what it is like to be with the baby ALL DAY LONG and how hard it can be to get the most basic things done.

Sorry... just needed to vent. 


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