Single Parents

What to do...

So I have a 3-month old baby with a guy I've been best friends with & dated for most of the past 6 years.  We met when I was 19 and in college; he was 20 -- and back then, we were on the same page (lifestyle-wise.)  Since then, it feels as though I've grown up, progressed, whereas he hasn't.  I graduated, started a career, started investing for the future, and could care less about drinking cheap liquor or playing video games.

We don't live together -- tried that, didn't work -- though he still considers me his girlfriend.  And I guess he's my boyfriend/partner but I'd rather refer to him as the father of my child... I really don't feel like we have a rewarding relationship together, and there's this part of me that knows the longer I stay "with" him, the more I limit my future options.  All likelihood aside, I'd love to someday have a relationship and maybe even a household or family with somebody who is my intellectual equal, who works hard to acheive their ambitions and dreams, who is committed to being healthy, and all these other qualities I wish to embody which I see zero of in my "man."

It's not that he's a bad father.  He's professed on numerous occasions how he wants to be involved in our daughter's life, since he never knew his dad growing up.  We split her diaper & daycare costs 50/50 and he'll help out occasionally with watching her in the evenings/weekends.  I just don't see how it will benefit me, or her, to stay with him if I'm convincing myself I'm content in a relationship that's unfulfilling -- but I'm at a complete loss as to how to communicate this to him... especially this soon after having a child together.

He's given me a great gift -- a beautiful, healthy child who gives me so much joy -- but I don't feel like I should have to remain with him simply because of her.

Ugh, I'm sorry.  I posted a similar vent a while back because I was unable to figure out the proper approach to this situation... and I still haven't been able to figure out what to do.  I appreciate any feedback you ladies can give.

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