Babies: 0 - 3 Months

His gas is killing ME!!

DS has such bad gas at night that it wakes him up and he cries until he squirms enough to pass it.  Sometimes he can't even pass the gas and just cries forever.  So I get up and give him some bicycle kicks and after a while he finally passes it.  We have tried gas drops, gripe water, and every kind of formula possible.  We decided Nutramigen has been the best...although I have not tried Alimentum.  What can I do?  Wear ear muffs?  I have tried letting him cry it out but its so hard.  Is there a reason he has gas at night and not during the day?  So confused.....and tired....
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
TTC #2 since 02/12
Borderline MFI
Clomid + TI= BFP
BFP 12/27/12 ~ EDD 09/09/2013 ~ MC CONFIRMED 1/24/13
Anxiously waiting to TTC again, but TTA for now until RE says okay!
My Ovulation Chart
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