Babies: 0 - 3 Months

losing my mind at night

DS (18 days old) slept all day yesterday... woke up when I put DD (2 years old) down for the night and was up until he started to look sleepy around 11PM. I started trying to put him down to sleep in his PNP at that time. I kid you not, we spent the ENTIRE night back and forth between my arms and his PNP every 20 minutes or so. I was thrown up on twice... totally lost my cool around 2AM and had DH hold him for an hour while I slept. Then it just continued after that. Around 4:30 DD woke up screaming and we tried to wait it out and let her go back to sleep... didn't happen. Around 5:30 she joined me in bed. I kept trying to get DS to sleep during this time with no luck.

Now come 6:30 AM and DS is just now finally sleeping in his crib. He has been sleeping for about a half hour which is longer than any stretch he did overnight. I can't even begin to express how frustrated I am. He sleeps sound as can be all day and is up all night. DH keeps saying DD was this way and we dealt with it then but the difference is now I have to get up and be bright eyed for my toddler at 6AM.

I'm at a loss for how to handle this. He's obviously going to be sleepy today after being up all night. What do you do? Try to wake him up every two hours or so?

Tonight we are going to try his crib instead of the PNP in our room. I'm going to make a bed on his floor and sleep in there so that if it is up and down again I won't have to go back and forth between the rooms. I'm also going to try just putting him in a sleeper rather than swaddling... that's how he sleeps so well during the day so maybe it will help at night.
Can anyone help?  Or at least tell me I am not alone :(
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