Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Overnight diaper? Night time changing?

I am curious how people handle the "overnight diaper"...For a while, we were using Pampers BabyDry and would put a #2 on her (11week old) with a bunch of desitin and it would get her through easily until early the next morning.  I am finding she is filling the diaper by the middle of the night and then I have to change her (which always wakes her)...what are others doing?  What type of diaper?  How often are you changing overnight?  Any technique to do it in the middle of the night without getting the LO riled up?

 She sleeps in a onesie (used to sleep in a sleep sack but wtih the cooler weather, I was worried about her getting cold) and I use a "velcro" swaddle blanket at night as well.  So changing her involves un-velcroing the lower part only (can usually leave her arms swaddled) and un-buttoning the lower part of her clothes...what are others dressing theirs in for night time?

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