Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Struggling to eat

I'm so frustrated. For awhile now, baby has been struggling to eat. Even though he is obviously hungry, he pulls his mouth away, cries, latches on again & sucks furiously...then repeats. He straightens his legs, kicks, genuinely looks like he is in pain.

We thought it was an ear infection, but he's received all of his antibiotics, and he continues to fight us through every feeding.

Has anyone had experience with this? I'm off to the doctor (again) tomorrow, but I've spent the evening bawling. All he seems to do is cry lately, and I'm stressed, overwhelmed, frustrated. I feel so selfish and naive when I say that this isn't what I thought motherhood would be like. I imagined peaceful feedings with a happy-go-lucky little man...not the screaming matches that have played out every couple hours in my home. It's just exhausting. I know people have it worse, and I feel so incredibly selfish venting about my frustration. I'm just praying a couple of more experienced moms can lend some advice.

Thanks so much.

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