Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Where does your baby nap?

I TRY to get him to nap in his own bed, but lately Ive been resorting to the carseat or bouncy if he doesnt fall asleep in his bed. He will ususally only nap in his bed if I hold him until he is completely asleep and then lay him down and with a toddler, I dont always have time t soothe him into a deep sleep.  So lately,  I put him in the other locations because he tends to fall asleep on his own without soothing (which is good).  I could try and leave him in his bed longer to see if he will fall asleep on his own, but he often doesnt and I dont want him to get overtired or miss the window in which he should be going back to sleep for a nap.  Hope this makes sense. 

Where do you put your DC for a nap?  Should I be doing whatever means necessary to make sure he naps regardless of location?  Any tips on getting him to sleep better in his own bed (I swaddle and make sure he is fed and calm and put him down within 45 minutes-1hr of waking from his last nap

Severe MFI resulting in IVF/ICSI #1 in Nov 2007. BFP!!
Our beautiful son was born July 2008.
2010: 2 IVF's,1 FET = 2 BFN's, 1 c/p :(
Feb 2011-Unmedicated FET= BFP!! DS #2 born Oct 2011!!.

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