Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Didn't nap well at Grandma's, then slept horribly

So, my 11-week old LO spent the day with Grandma yesterday and would not nap for her (she was happy as a clam all day but just wouldn't go down for more than 15-minutes at a time).  So, got her home yesterday after work and she was clearly over tired (rubbing her eyes, a bit cranky)...Had a horrible time getting her to bed (usually asleep by 8ish)...she fought it all the way until finally she fell asleep at 9pm...I figured she would sleep decently that night as she didn't during the day and we had a horrible night!!!  We had just turned the corner with her sleeping (only up 1-2 times per overnight) and last night she was up every 2 or so hours fussing, ate a little, fussed going back down, etc....It is opposite of what I thought might happen after the day she had at her Grandma's house...Has anyone else experienced this?  Guess they aren't like us (i.e. tiring day, we sleep well at night)!!!  Have others found that more napping during the day=better sleep at night?
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