Babies: 0 - 3 Months

when to make the formula switch?

LO was on enfamil newborn, then he was gassy and fussy and crying out in pain, so we switched to enfamil gassy and fussy formula, and while it has improved there are still bouts of fussiness and grunting. I don't know what the grunting is about--

So the current symptoms are --he gets angry when he poops and he gets grunty when he's eating and needs to get padded on the back to calm down, but then he wants more food...he only spits up occasionally, sometimes has wet burbs, gets hiccups usually about once a day, and is a terrible sleeper--is this acid reflux in babies?

So, i'm a first time mom and I don't know if this is normal or me over reacting, but should I try another formula? I don't want to have this be like a science experiment where we keep changing formulas, but if it can make him feel better all the time then of course i'll switch....suggestions/advice please! 

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