Single Parents

Feeling like an outcast.....

I feel like ever since STBXH left I have been outcasted by everyone. My own friends barely speak to me or want to hang out. My family has been a million times more supportive but it's like everyone I thought as close to me vanished. I see their Facebook posts about hanging out and doing fun things but I am never invited nor do they come hang out with me when I invite them (even on baby playdates). I don't even know why. I never lost contact with these people when I was with H. We used to hang out all the time.

One particular friend of mine said she's not too fond of hanging out because she'd rather head out to the bar. Other friends won't return my calls or answer my texts/ messages. A few showed at R's birthday party but most left within 30-45 minutes later.

Do they think I will be some depressed wreck and complain to them the entire time? I am just not understanding. I never talk about what happened with H unless they ask. I answer their question then change the subject.

It's really starting to bother me that I feel like I am being turned away for no reason. It hurts and I feel more alone than ever. Though ONE person has been texting me every single day: one of H's player friends just to tell me how lonely he is and wants a cuddle buddy. Wow.

Sorry about the vent, I just don't know what to do. I told one friend how much is bothered me and all she said was "sorry for being such a crappy friend". I haven't heard from her since.

And I apologize for any typos, my keyboard is acting up and the keys aren't working properly.


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