Babies: 0 - 3 Months

rice cereal at 2.5 months?

at DDs 2 month appointment, i told the pedi that she was taking about 30 oz a day and that i thought she would take more. so he said to give her more. i've upped her bottles to 7 oz and now she's taking about 35 oz a day. i'm afraid to start her on solids so early. when i read the "is baby ready for solids" things, she isn't. she definitely still needs help sitting up. has anyone started their LO early? i'm not normally a worrying mom, but this just doesn't feel right. i feel like i'm just forcing her to take the food from the spoon. she has no interest in it and actually just cries after 4 or 5 spoons. is that something i should just expect and just keep trying a little a each day? i'm a FTM and haven't been around any babies ever, so i'm clueless.
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