Los Angeles Babies

Forming Your Birth Team: Dec 4

ICAN Monthly Meeting: Forming Your Birth Team
When  Sunday, December 4, 2011
  4:00pm until 6:00pm
ICAN of West Los Angeles, Spot cafe, 4455 Overland, , Culver City 90232
(International Cesarean Awareness Network)

Topic:  Forming Your Birth Team
What is the difference between a Midwife and a Doula? A Doctor and a Midwife? A Nurse and a Doula? A home and a hospital birth? What will insurance pay for?

How do I figure out if my doctor shares my approach to birth? How much does that matter? Do I need to meet with my Doctor/Midwife/Doula's back up? What are some questions that I should ask my doctor? What kind of answer should I look for?

What should I look for on the hospital tour? What are the pros and cons of different hospitals?

What should I look for in a birth doula? How much does experience matter? How much does a doula cost? Where can I find doula resources? How does a doula work with the partner?

What is a post-partum doula? Does she take the place of my mom? How does she work with a family? What kind of hours does a PP doula usually work?

ICAN and ICAN of West Los Angeles is proud to help improve maternal-child health by preventing unnecessary cesareans through education, providing support for cesarean recovery, and promoting Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC).

ICAN and ICAN of West Los Angeles envisions a healthy reduction of the cesarean rate driven by women making evidence-based, risk appropriate childbirth decisions.

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