Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Zantac Q (can't find previous posts)

We're starting our LO on Zantac today for reflux. Her spitting up (vomiting) has gotten extremely bad and I just can't take it any more. I took her to the pedi this morning thinking she was allergic to the formula (has a rash wherever the spit up lands, red rash around anus that diaper cream won't fix, extra gassy) but was told it's just her reflux. I was hoping the reflux would have gotten better over the last few weeks since her 6week check up. I'm nervous to give her medicine because she's just so little, but I know it should help her.

I guess my question is: did you notice a difference right away? How much formula is your LO eating? I was told not to feed her more than 4 oz, even if she's still hungry. Does this sound reasonable? She had been averaging 5oz every 3 hours. Granted, she would spit up a lot of that so she probably only ingested 3-4 oz. 

What can I expect once she starts Zantac (in terms of behavior, spit up, poops, etc)?



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