Babies: 0 - 3 Months

2 mth appt happiness from yesterday

Other than the dreaded shots, we had a wonderful appt!! DS is actually over 2 months (see ticker) but he is 12 1/2 lbs and 24" long!! The dr was super impressed with how alert DS was and the dr even said that he has a look about him that makes him wise beyond his age and like he is completely aware of what's going on. She went to lay him on his tummy and instead of face planting like he sometimes does for tummy time, he immediately layed his arms so that he was lifting himself up (his head wasn't even bobbling when he did it). Dr said to watch out cause he'll be rolling soon but I told her he already was. She said he's doing great!! It's so good to get assurance that LO is on track!! Just had to share!!
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