Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Waking up at 4am, 5am, 6am

 This is driving me crazy. I fed her at 3am. She woke up last night on the hour every hour. She does this often enough. The most recent was two nights ago. She seems to eat enough. The night before, H fed her a bottle at 4:30 instead of nursing. She screamed her head off and finally took it. She wanted me.

I let her cry/fuss for a minute or two if I know she is not hungry to see if she falls back asleep. Sometimes she does.

Now she is taking her sweet little time eating this morning. Napping, sucking slowly. I was hoping to get a little more sleep and we have to go out to her doctor this morning. This is so annoying.

 Any suggestions? I need to sleep. I am getting cranky. :(

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