Single Parents

I know this life can be better..

Hey ladies, Ive been creeping over here the last week or so.. let me give you a little background. I grew up with a single mom and 2 sisters and life could not of been better, my drunk of a dad left when i was probably 2 or 3 and i never wished for a second he had stayed.

So fast foward to my life.. LO is 7 weeks old and almost 2 weeks ago DH told me he had cheated and wanted a divorce. I was beside myself at first and went and saw a therapist and decided not to be angry with him. We had seen each other a couple times after and got along better, and even started talking about working things out. On Monday he went with me to the therapist and we talked some things out and pretty much agreed to 'date' and do stuff we used to and see if we still had/have anything between us. We went to lunch after and talked alot and things seemed better. Tuesday he was supposed to come by the house to see DD and i text him at 7pm and say let me know about tomorrow... he still wanted to come but we had dinner plans and he didnt make an effort in my opinion. We were supposed to go out tonight and Ive havent heard from him...

Heres where my head is: Id rather do this alone. I know how good it can be and he obviously doesnt want to do the work. Hes been around maybe a total of 2 weeks and Im for sure leaving for CA in a month (were in VA) I know once I get there I wont miss him. So rambling aside I guess I just hate how I think I need him when in reality Ive been doing it all alone for a long time. So in a way im happy to be here just the thought of packing up what I can and moving back to my moms is terrifing. Love the support and Im proud of all you mamas and I hope to get my head together enough to leave him.

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Single mama - beautiful baby - learning to live
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