Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Gas waking my 5 wk old in the night! HELP

My little one is 5 wks old..and we feed him 3.5 oz every 3 hrs during the day and and do a cluster feed at 6 and 8 and also a feed in his sleep at 10 pm(dreamfeed). Hes been gassy ever since I switched to formula at 11 days old but hes been on Gerber Goodstart Gentle since then and he seems to be doing well on it-no reflux..spitting up..but his gas is unreal! Im giving him gas drops and Colic Calm(gripe water)and still the gas at night is enough to wake him up grunting and pulling his legs back. He dosent cry for food or even cry just simply wakes up. I honestly believe he would STTN hadnt been for this gas issue. What else can i do if Im already giving him drops and Colic this this something he'll just outgrow? HELP
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