Single Parents

Nervous about meeting tomorrow

My X and I don't really get along but we're not at each others throats either. We've had an agreement for the last few weeks (maybe a month and a half?). It just isn't working for DS. He is having some fairly substantial issues with transitioning between houses and I think it's because of the amount of time he spends at X's house (in a row).

Tomorrow I have a meeting with X and both our attorneys. I've already talked to my attorney and we're going to ask X about having a little less time much more spread out through the week. I really think we just threw DS into this and didn't realize that he needs more frequent shorter visits. I know X won't agree to them even though it's best for DS (he already told me he won't agree to anything less than 50/50)/

We have a temp. orders hearing on Monday if we can't agree. My stomach is in knots. I hate the idea of a judge making such a huge decision without ever having met us before. In no way, shape, or form do I want to keep DS from X  and I'm worried he's going to try to make it out like that's the case. Ugh.

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