Single Parents

Overnight Visitation for Newborn for Single Mom

My daughter is 21 and 6 months pregnant and no longer dating the father of the baby.  He wants to be involved from the beginning, which is great.  The part I am worried about is that his mom wants overnight visitation from the beginning because he would like to experience taking her at night.  Isn't this too soon for the baby to be seperated from her mother overnight?  I have offered for him to spend the night at our house one night per week so that my daughter can get one night's sleep during the week without interruption.  My daughter has already told his mom that they could come and see or take the baby whenever they wanted - as long as it didn't interfere with any previous plans.  At what point should overnight visitations be started?  His mother raised three boys and there is no doubt in my mind that the baby wouldn't be safe.  I am more worried about the disruption to the baby's schedule.  I would hate for them to take her once a week and have her up and cranky for that night and then come home and have her first night back home to be cranky and miserable.  My daughter was planning on discussing with the pediatrician but if we could come up with a plan prior and to do it without hurting feelings would be preferred.

 Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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