Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Baby seems to cry more when I enter the room...why?

My little bambino is 3 weeks and 4 days old. I am a new mom and and mostly the primary caregiver for the little one since I am a stay at home mom. So that entails mon-fri night and day care untill daddy comes home from work around 4 or 5 every night and relieves me of some duties to get things done around the house and give me a bit of a break until it's time for bed again. Lately I've noticed that when he (my son) is having  a little whining fit just and hour or 2 before we all retire to bed it seems to get a little worse or louder when he either heres my voice or when I enter the room........does anyone know the reason for this? I'm starting to think he doesn't like me anymore......:(
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