Upstate NY Babies

Baby not found on U/S

Doc said I had a nice Gest. sac and yolk sac, and a "nice thickening" that he thinks could develop into a fetal pole.  But seeing as how I am over 7 weeks we should be seeing more.  Doc think there is still a chance this is viable but I don't hold much hope.  For one, the sac is measuring me at a little less than 6 weeks.  Seeing as how based on my LMP I got a BFP at 3w5d, if I am really 6 weeks that would mean that I got that BFP at 2 weeks which is of course impossible.  I think the baby just stopped growing at 6 weeks.

Anyway I go back in for a follow up U/S next Monday which I am not expecting a difference.  At that point I decide if I want a D&C or take a pill to miscarry.

You know, they should really do the ultrasound at the beginning of that long ass appointment.  I had blood drawn and STD testing (NC requires it with every preg.) and answered a million questions for nothing.

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